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A member registered Aug 19, 2015

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(1 edit)

I do actually ! 
I worked my way into the tilemap > 3D models on a grid.

What I don't seem to grasp is : how do I get the tilemap from Edgar ? 

I know it will be obvious when you'll say it, but, can you give me some pointers ? 

Thanks !

EDIT : nevermind, I found it !

I thought that, as var tilemaps = level.GetSharedTilemaps() gave me a list of six, it wasn't that. 

But the six elements are the layers used in the room templates, duh.

Will report back when I have a complete working solution.

Thank you for the thorough answer.

So, I bought it, I'll try to test this solution in a few days, i'll be sure to come back to you with my findings :)

(1 edit)

That'd be great ! 

Otherwise, once the level is generated, Can I have a way to know what tile was used in a specific position ? (x=1 y=3 for example)

That way, I could write a tool that use the output of Edgar to place the 3D model somewhat "on-top" of the generated 2D level.

All I'd have to do is provide a basic 2D tilemap, and depending on the level I want to generate, provide differents 3D prefab.

That way It'd be forward compatible ?

Edit : while rereading your answer, it seems we are on the same page. If I got it right, I only proposed to still use a 2D tilemap to let Edgar "do his thing", then output via a custom post-processing logic. Am I understanding it correctly ?

(1 edit)

Hey, sure. The best example is Enter The Gungeon :

Actually, the levels are generated in 3D. It help about depth, lightning, and not-having-to-do-pixel-math-to-check-if-this-bullet-hit-that-thing. 

I am starting to create a roguelike based on it, among other games, and generating such a 3D world is a feature to me.

Basically, can I ouput a 3D model with its pivot point at z=0 instead of a 2D tile ? I can take care of the rest.

Thank you ! :)

(1 edit)

Hey ! This tool seems great, and I think of buying it when I get paid in a few days, but I have a question : how complicated is it to generate "3D" level (actually, 2d level with 3D tiles) with it ? Thank you !